I was not sure how to label or identify this section when I started planning my web site. So much of spirituality is subjective. Much of what I find spiritual, such as tarot or astrology, others may describe as profane. On the one hand I have gone out of my way to make this a resource, not a lecture, speech, or sermon. On the other hand, I wonder if it is possible to present anything on spirituality that is objective and factual, rather than subjective and opinion. I have done my best to separate the two and to first present what I perceive as the Truth and what has helped me. My hope is that the tools that have helped me in my spiritual quest will be here and available for others to discover and use. I tried to keep my comments and opinions restricted to area where it is clear I am presenting opinion, not fact (such as "My Definition of Spirituality" or "My Comments."), but I soon realized it is impossible (at least for me) to write about spirituality without writing about opinions. So, with that in mind, consider this section a buffet. Take what you like and what helps you, and leave the rest. If it doesn't help you, leave it for another. - Denvid
There seems to be a difference between spirituality and religion. I have heard friends in twelve-step programs tell me, "Religion is for people that want to know God so they don't go to Hell. Spirituality is for people who have been to hell, returned, and want to understand God." In Conversations with God it is said that religion asks that we listen to what others have said and written and accept it as Truth, even over our own experiences, where spirituality asks us to believe in our own conclusions, drawn from our own experiences, even when they contradict what is written by others or accepted by religions or others as fact. Perhaps religion is a tool that we can use, along with the rituals and spirituality, to help us reach a place where we feel connected to God. It is from this place we can transcend the rules and rituals and be directly aware of "that of God within" (a Quaker phrase).
Often I have been involved in discussions with other adults or with students over a simple topic when I suspect we are not being clear with each other. Then I will ask the other person to define a few terms. In many cases we have different definitions for ideas or terms or phrases we think everybody takes for granted. I'm going to give you my definition of spirituality. Since this site was designed around what I consider are spiritual tools. So, with that in mind: Spirituality (as defined by Peter Denvid Wright): that which we use to reach a higher understanding of ourselves, God, and the Universe in which we live. The process we follow as we quest for more knowledge of what is inside and outside of ourselves. |
Those who grow the most tie these two together. Think about the contradiction of a person who does spiritual work and even does intense spiritual and soul journeying out of his body, but who is insecure with himself. Is this a good combination? Does it work to have someone who has developed strong psychic abilities without having developed her abilities to understand herself, including her own fears and perceived shortcomings? I am aware of one case where someone approached a friend of mine who is a psychic and said he wanted to learn to use his psychic powers. He said he wanted to just focus on something and have it done for him mystically. As he left us, he said, "So I'll just go in to work tomorrow and lay off a bunch of people and I won't feel so bad." When we don't know ourselves and our own pain and fears (and have not worked to transcend them), do we know what we are asking for when we say we want spiritual power? What is the difference between a person who has not worked on personal growth but uses strong spiritual or psychic powers and a young child with a book of matches?