I keep my journal "almost in verse" (my own words). I uses a
form of free verse because the rythm tends to fit my thought patterns.
I began writing the first volume just after my separation and divorce.
At the time I was not sure where I was going, but I just needed to
write more than my stories and scripts. Later, I realized it was time
to end that journal. The first volume, I could see, was the story of my
search for independence. The second volume, the one I am still keeping,
seems more a search for and understanding of interdependence.
I have decided to
publish some sample poems from my journal on this page. The terms of
this publication are that viewing these sonnets is under the condition
of agreeing not to reprint or use them publicly. (Anyone wishing to use
my work or print them must get permission from me at Denvid@TheWanderingHermit.com.)