Peter Denvid Wright
What I Like
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We now have a bulletin board to discuss all the topics on The Wandering
Hermit. Please stop by and ask questions about the tutorials,
some poetry (or even post your own poetry), or talk about a number of
metaphysical topicslike Tarot, Astrology, Rebirthing, Past Lives, or
Spiritual Growth.
here to go to the board.
(Warning: There are no links from the board back to the rest of thewebsite yet.) |
I love watching the sun set and, even though
I'm a night person, I love watching the sun rise. Sometimes a beautiful
sunrise or sunset is all that I need to make a rotten day glorious. I
don't think people notice sunrises or sunsets anymore. One of my
favorite ways to spend a Saturday evening is on my porch. I turn on the
radio so I can listen to Prairie Home Companion and the jazz
shows that are on local public radio all Saturday evening. Then I'll
spend the next few hours just unwinding on the porch while I watch the
shadows and lighting change as the sun sets.
are the sauce and spice of life. Without friends (or Friends as well,
if you're a Quaker), what's the point? I can't remember who said,
"Friendship doubles life's pleasures and halves the pains." (If you
know who said it, please leave me feedback!) (I think
it was Mark Twain.) I am proud of the friends I have. The friends I
have are people who have helped me through the hard times and shared
the fun in my life (and the reverse is also true).
Music adds a lot to my life. When I'm writing or meditating
or working on tarot, I like new age music (but I hate the term new
age!). I love Enya. I also like listening to musical soundtracks. Some
favorites are The Music Man, Fiddler on the Roof, and West
Side Story. My favorite composer is Beethoven. Instead of being
raised on classical music, when I was still in junior high, I got my
parents turned on to classical music. Now I also love jazz--especially
live, but I don't often get out for live jazz.
My friends (and Friends) will faint when they hear a
chatter box like me say this, but I love silence. I never got used to
it until I started attending Friends Meeting (Quakers go to Meeting,
not Church). Friends worship in silence. Now that I've gotten used to
silence, it has become important to me and to my writing. Silence is
especially blessed during sunrises and sunsets. I go for walks at night
frequently so I can hear nature and the Earth through the silence. A
silence shared with a close friend can be especially powerful.