The Wandering Hermit |
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We now have a bulletin board to discuss all the topics on The Wandering
Hermit. Please stop by and ask questions about the tutorials,
some poetry (or even post your own poetry), or talk about a number of
metaphysical topicslike Tarot, Astrology, Rebirthing, Past Lives, or
Spiritual Growth.
here to go to the board.
(Warning: There are no links from the board back to the rest of thewebsite yet.) |
and Intuitive Consultations
Individuals, Groups, or Events
Instruction and Classes
Note: The background on Denvid and his work as a psychic is part of the site, "The Wandering Hermit." Please feel free to explore the entire site.
I am extremely lucky. I earn my living doing what brings joy to me and helps others. I work as a professional psychic reader. I do consultations on my own and through The Aquarian Bookshop. My goal, as a reader and instructor, is to provide my clients with all the information I can to help them with their plans and their life. I believe that psychic readers should be aware of personal and ethical rules of behavior. I am providing information here to let you know who I am. If I can help you with a consultation (for you or for a party or event) or with a tarot class or tarot instruction, let me know.
There are many who do not believe in tarot or intuition or channeling or any other "psychic" phenomena. That is their privilege. I feel strongly that I am here to help those who seek help. I believe that people looking for psychic consultations (of any type) will, if they are open, be naturally lead to the psychic reader who can best help them. If I am one who can help you, contact me. If you do not feel I can help you, that's just as good and blessed be.
Within this web site I have
included information to help you get to know me, what kind of person I
am, and what kind of psychic I am. Even though I cover this more
thoroughly in my part on ethics, let me point out I do not,
under any circumstances, ever try to sell anything other than a
consultation. I don't play the, "There is danger near, pay me more and
I'll tell you what," routine. I don't try to talk a client into
increasing their time and I don't push any other merchandise on
clients. I may recommend books or other items, but I do not sell these,
nor do I make money in any way from anything I recommend.
To contact me: |